It has been forever since my last post, my apologies. Unfortunately I get caught up in work and when my one day off comes around I don't want to do anything. Enough whining and feeling sorry for myself.
My mother came for a visit and we had planned to take a mini vacation with her. We booked a few days at a resort called
VoliVoli. It is located on the other side of the island near a town called Rakiraki. It is about a four hour drive from us. One way is a sealed road and the main artery for that side of the island. The other way is the road less traveled and not yet completed. I guess we shall follow the road less traveled.
Unfortunately it had rained earlier, which made it a bit slippery.
The scenery was beautiful.
Lots of really lovely villages and scary bridges.
Boys skipping school
The road less traveled.
Future fisherman
Watching the cows eat.
Finally the dry side of the island and the sugar cane fields
Sugar cane
More sugar cane
We are getting close now, I see the sign.
The sea, the sea
We are almost there.
VoliVoliWe arrive there in the afternoon and are met in the parking lot by Nick, one of the owners of the resort and our fishing guru guide. We unpack and have a look around. The layout is beautiful and our rooms are number one. After a few drink we make our plan to go fishing the next morning.
Up at the crack of dawn and all ready to go. A bit windy but nothing we cannot handle.
This first day is going to prove to be a learning experience. After a bit of casting the bite finally starts. Rosie lands the first fish of course, but it did not come in easy.
As we would learn, these fishing grounds are littered with hazards. Bommies, small sunken reefs and very smart fish were the recipe for our demise.
We proceeded to hook and lose several fish along with a few lures. Now that may seem ok for many, but for us, well we do not usually lose lures, especially on 50lb braid.
This day would prove very trying for us. We lost four fish and three lures.
Nick Darling, one of the owners of the resort and our guide for this trip, with a nice GT.
A well deserved beer after the ass whipping we got.
A new day and the weather is a bit iffy but spirits are high.
We have a new game plan. Today it is 80lb all the way with tight drags and heavy tackle. A repeat we will not have.
Rosie again starts the day out with a nice Red Bass.
Followed by a good GT. Amazing that for the size of the fish they pull really hard and fight really dirty.
Yours truly waiting for my turn.
A scad mackerel. Good for bait.
After a grueling five hours of nonstop casting I finally hook up to a GT. Not the biggest but well worth it.
Now the bite has turned on and almost every bommie is holding bait and GT's.
Rosie with a nice one.
I have upped the ante with this one.
A few more were caught and unfortunately the sun was setting and we had a ways to travel back to the resort. We have finally worked out the formula and it is looking good for our third day of fishing.
We wake to a beauty of a day.
View from our villa.
Surveying the area.
Unfortunately our third day fishing would not eventuate. An emergency came up and we had to leave on a moments notice. I would like to thank Nick and his family who own and operate VoliVoli Beach Resort. They have done a wonderful job of creating a unique and friendly place to visit. The food was great and the their company was most enjoyable.
We have to get back there and finish what we started and plans are already underway to do just that.
Tight Lines
VoliVoli Beach Resort
Volivoli Road
P.O. Box 417
Fiji Islands
Resort: +679 669 4511
Fax: +679 669 4611
US contacts
Andy and Lynn Siebert
Scubaworld Sacramento Inc.
5114 Madison Avenue
Sacramento CA 95841
Phone: 916/955-2038
Skype: lynn.siebert
Fax: 916/338-0277
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